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Tips to keep your closet clean and odor-free

Keeping your closet clean and odor-free can seem like a difficult task, especially if you have a busy day. But it's actually quite a simple task and can be done in a short amount of time. A messy and smelly closet can be a source of stress and chaos. Therefore, in this blog post, we give you some tips on how to keep your cupboard clean and odor-free.

Organization and clean-up

The first step to a clean and odor-free closet is to clean it up. Make sure you have structure and overview by dividing your clothes into categories, such as pants, sportswear, sweaters, etc. Then sort the clothes according to what can be thrown away, given away and what should be kept. You can also consider organizing your clothes by color or size. That way, you will quickly be able to see what you have in the cupboard and what is missing.

Another tip is to use hangers to organize your clothes so they don't get wrinkled and messy. Hang the clothes in categories and make sure the hanger fits the size of the clothes. Also use hangers with non-slip material so that the clothes do not slip off. If you lack space in the cupboard, you can also consider using hanging storage bags for e.g. shoes or hats.

How to remove bad air in the wardrobe

Once you've sorted and cleaned out your closet, make sure to get rid of any bad smells. You can do this by placing a cotton ball with a few spritzes of Simple Goods Laundry Tonic in your closet to give your wardrobe a fresh scent, or use our Room mist or our Textile Spray to refresh the wardrobe. You can also use air fresheners or bags of dried flowers such as lavender to give your wardrobe a lovely scent.

Cleaning the wardrobe

To keep your cabinet clean and tidy, be sure to wipe the shelves with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Our All Purpose Cleaner and a good absorbent dishcloth from Simple Goods can easily do the job. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt. It is a good idea to clean your cabinet regularly to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating.

Keeping your closet clean and odor-free doesn't have to be a challenge. With a little effort and regular maintenance, you can easily maintain a neat and organized closet. Follow these simple tips to keep your closet clean and odor-free, and you'll not only feel more organized, but your clothes will also stay fresher and nicer for longer.

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