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Sådan tackler du dit vasketøj - miljøvenlig vaskemiddel

How to tackle your laundry

Do you feel that no matter how much energy and effort you put into it, there is an endless cycle of dirty clothes piling up in your laundry room? We feel you. It's a scenario we know all too well, and it can be overwhelming to keep track of. But there is good news!

We're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be so scary – take control of your time with a simpler, stress-free laundry routine. Our goal is not only to help make laundry easier, Make laundry more manageable with our helpful tips to create an organized approach that will cut down on the hassle. We've got the very best tips and tricks that are guaranteed to streamline your entire process, so you may never fear digging into the endless piles of clothes again.

Eco-friendly detergent - Simple Gooods

Useful tips for a manageable washing routine

Laundry day is an important task that can often feel like an unmanageable task. But with the right methods, you can both save time and make the washing routine a little easier. Start by dividing your laundry into towels, bed linen and clothes. Then sort your laundry by color and fabric type, it gives you a quick overview of all your laundry, from there you can easily and quickly find out which detergent you should use for the different washes, whether it is for colored clothes, black and white or wool/cashmere. Make sure you always check how many degrees your clothes can be washed in before you throw them in the washing machine. A good rule to remember is that towels, dishcloths and bed linen can be washed at 60 degrees, ordinary clothes can be washed at 40 degrees, and delicate and fine clothes can be washed at 30 degrees.

Follow these tips for a more manageable washing routine.

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